Engineer at Metinvest

Sunday, September 11, 2011
Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Developed and implemented systems for analyzing and optimizing repair personnel utilization, streamlining reporting processes, enhancing software functionality, managing document flow, automating reporting workflows, and contributing to budgeting and analysis efforts for multiple structural divisions.


Metinvest is a leading vertically integrated mining and metallurgical company based in Ukraine. With a diversified product portfolio, they are engaged in the extraction and production of iron ore, coal, and steel products. Their operations span the entire value chain, from mining and processing raw materials to manufacturing and distribution of finished products.


  • Developing and implementing a system for analyzing the utilization of repair personnel.
  • Creating and deploying a control system for managing repair personnel, including the establishment of a normative estimating labor-intensity level database, classification of repair activities, and scheduling optimization.
  • Designing and implementing a reporting program, consolidating data from various units to identify critical issues and streamline decision-making.
  • Contributing to the technical specifications for enhancing the AIS Dispatcher program, simplifying downtime registration for key production units.
  • Collaborating in drafting technical specifications for the order accounting system in computer equipment repair.
  • Managing document flow during the corporate network establishment, overseeing estimates processing, work execution documentation, and materials usage records.
  • Participating in budgeting processes for multiple structural divisions.
  • Automating reporting workflows for repair units, optimizing data collection, processing, analysis, and reporting.
  • Implementing an automating system for tracking production unit expenses and generating accurate reports.
  • Streamlining the analysis of historical repair data from 2002 to 2012, examining the impact of repair units on production and economic indicators.
  • Developing and introducing an automating system for accounting economic indicators, leveraging a custom software core.

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